I was tagged by my amazing friend Traci (loved your quirks btw). Here is the tag...
LIST 6 quirky habits you have...TAG 6 quirky friends & LINK the person who tagged you.
Check it out!
So, in response to Traci's tag here is my list of quirks...
1. I am largely a creature of habit. I ALWAYS do ritualistic things in exactly the same order. For example....I ALWAYS undress top to bottom, but get dressed bottom to top. In the shower I ALWAYS wash right leg, left leg, mid-section, left arm, right arm. But when I put on lotion it's left leg, right leg, mid-section, left arm, and then right arm...I ALWAYS put my right sock on first. And many other things I wont list...Is this being quirky or just OCD? Most definitely it's TMI!!!
2. I get REALLY grumpy if anyone tries to steal a bite of my food...ESPECIALLY if it's a bowl of cereal or ice cream and ESPECIALLY if I haven't had any of it yet. I'm willing to share if I offer it to you, otherwise HANDS OFF!
3. When I make hot chocolate the powder ALWAYS needs to go in first, and then the water. Never the reverse. Otherwise you get lumpy hot chocolate.
4. The two middle toes on my right foot are different from the 2 on my left. The toes on my left foot are the same length and are short. The two on my right are different lengths with the 1st one being longer. I looked at my parents feet and realized I have a foot like my mom and a foot like my dad...How's that for being a pleaser?
5. I HATE to read instructions. I usually just blunder my way through something thinking I know how to do it already. I can't tell you how many times in school when I'd jump head-first into a math assignment without reading the instructions fully. I'd get most of the way through it and then realize that I didn't do some CRUCIAL step and would have to start all over again. Thank goodness for user friendly programs like BLOGGING! (ever noticed how simple and no-frills my blog is...that's because I refuse to read the instructions on how to do all of the bells and whistles!)
6. When I read a magazine or clothing catalogue I ALWAYS start at the back of it and work my way forward.
So after making this list I'm wondering if they are quirky habits or if they're just OCD issues...hmmm. I guess it depends on who you ask. So, I'd love to hear all about my fun friend's quirkiness IF nothing better than to help me feel better about my own issues. :) So TAG to Tracy Portrey, Laura Broadbent, Amber Hansen, Amanda Laycock, Jen Traina, and Katie Fowles. (Julie B I can't wait to read yours too since Traci tagged you first!)