Friday, November 21, 2008

Littlebit big!

Today Owen said, "Mom, I'm a littlebit big. I'm little but I'm big. See my body? I'm a littlebit big."

He is getting so big. He can even write his own name. Pretty good for a 3 yr old! Oh, and he took this picture of his own name, which is why he cut off the "n".

He wanted to watch "Pirates of the Carribean" but I told him he was too little because he still won't go potty in the toilet. (Oh the shameless tricks we try as parents to potty-train. I'm starting to get desperate though!) That's when he told me "I'm a littlebit big". I guess he means he's big enough to watch Pirates, but too little to go potty in the toilet? Oh the complicated world of a 3 yr old.


Enjoying the Journey said...

Sounds like he's a lot smart, too! Funny how kids figure things out in their minds. Cute little- bit-big guy!

Amanda said...

So cute! I love the little kid stuff and the unbridled enthusiasm they have for life. Impressive writing. Eve has seemed to catch that bug as well. I asked Seth if he wrote his name on his page and he said, "No Eve did it for me." I know he can, but can you blame a guy for letting his sister do it for him when she wants to?

Tracy said...

I am SO glad to hear I'm not the only post-3rd birthday successful potty trainer around! UGH. Good thing he's such a handsome little guy huh?

Katlin Fowles said...

Oh my goodness he is so cute!! I swear he has grown tons since the last time I saw him!! I miss getting to see him and all the other cute kids all the time!! Love you!!

Traci said...

Priceless, these are the things I want to capture more often! He is darling!