Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grandpa Saves the Day!

Yesterday, Olivia had an Acheivement Days "daddy-daughter day" planned . The only problem was, her daddy was out of town in New York. So, Olivia invited Grandpa and thankfully he was able to come! Liv and Grandpa had a great time at Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. The weather was beautiful, the activities plentiful, and the fun just went on and on. 
 After that Grandpa, Uncle Matt, Mom, and Gavin went and played golf with Grandma and Owen along for the ride. Grandpa won the round with Matt close behind him. Owen liked to sit in the back of the golf cart where the bags go. We had to make sure he held on tight so we didn't accidently leave him behind!
Immediately after golf, we dashed to Olivia's first piano recital (Way to go Liv!). She played so well. Then we ran over to the theater and Grandma and Grandpa sat through High School Musical 3 with Liv, Owen and Mom and even "enjoyed" the movie. Thanks for the fun day! We love spending time with you both!

Whose freaky hand is on the side of the picture?

The biggest kid is the one in the middle!


Katlin Fowles said...

oh my goodness!! I love seeing grandpa like that!! he is such an amazing man!!!

Amanda said...

Sounds like a great day! We still haven't seen High School Musical 3 but are trying to figure out a time to go. As I understand it Eliza's life will not be quite complete if we don't get our act together while it is still in the theaters.

Enjoying the Journey said...

Grandpas are the best! I can't believe he even did High School Musical! There should be a #1 Grandpa mug headed his way for Christmas!