Monday, November 24, 2008


Last weekend Rob and I had an early Anniversary Weekend in downtown SLC. We had so much fun! The highlights were Christmas shopping at the Gateway Mall (pretty much finished all of our shopping, woohoo!), TWILIGHT!!!! (LOVED IT!!! but Edward's hair was really lame. Shamelessly, I even bought fangear!), James Bond movie (not so much loved it), massages, great food, lots of smooching, and the best part was the COLDPLAY VIVA TOUR CONCERT! 

Rob bought tickets for the concert last summer, and the seats were amazing. We both love their music and it was fun to see them perform. They were really classy guys and put on a great show. Holy Cow it was loud though. We both used earplugs and my ears were still ringin' after the show. Oh, and I had a really hard time centering us in the picture...

The colorful stuff in the background was thousands, maybe even millions of cool vellum butterflies. You couldn't see through it because it was so thick. What an amazing way to celebrate 15 years together.


Enjoying the Journey said...

Fun! I didn't love the new Bond movie either--and I was really looking forward to it! Isn't it just the best to spend time with your hubby! I love that!

Traci said...

So jealous, but so happy for you too. Fun to pretend that it's just you and not the whole tribe all the time! Way to go on the 15 years, here's to 15 more!

Laura said...

What a cute couple you two are! Sounds like an awesome anniversary weekend!

I'm still in shock that you hate Edwards hair and you are TEAM JACOB, what is up with that girl! LOL just teasin. I sill am in love with Edward but was a tad disappointed in the movie:( I want to take Tyler and go again. See if it's any better the second time. heehee