Sunday, December 14, 2008

Word to the wise...

This is a any who are weak in the stomach...STOP HERE! THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY!

So we are on our way home from Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight and one of my kids (who will not be named) said "Mom, I'm gonna barf!" AHHHH, not in my brand new car! was my thought. What I said was "hang on while I pull over". This child said "Nope, I'm gonna barf right now!" And she did! Not just a little barf, but explosive, all-over the car barf. To make things worse, I roll down the window because Gavin starts dry-heaving from the smell. Well apparently it's a really bad idea to roll down the window going 75 with a child with explosive vomit! I had no idea until we got home and I saw the damage....(I really did almost take a picture of the car and my child covered in vomit, but decided it was too gross...oh, the sick mind of a blogger!).
The first thing I saw was the outside of the car was covered in vomit. HUH? Then I opened the door and it was EVERYWHERE!!! All over my child, in her hair, all over the seat, the floor, the million things she had left on the floor were covered. Oh, and when I opened the window while we were on the freeway the vomit blew back onto Liam who was sitting right behind this child and was all over the backseat and the opposite back window. HOLY COW!!! I didn't even know where to begin to clean up! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I have never been good at cleaning up vomit, that's been Rob's job. But since he was out of town there was no one but me. So, I started laughing and composing this blog in my head while I was cleaning out the car. Honestly, I had no idea that vomit could be so explosive! 
So, word to the wise...
1. If you have a child who tells you they don't feel well and you have a 30 min drive home it would be a really good idea to grab a barf bag of some sort before starting off.
2. If your child is barfing in the car while you are driving 75 on the freeway, DON'T open the window....REALLY BAD IDEA!
3. If you don't know if you should laugh or cry, then sure makes the situation a little easier to deal with.


Dwayne Fowles said...

Rob picked a good time to be out of town.... We had a car-puker in our family, so we carried Zip-Loc bags everywhere we went, and Heather could have one whipped out and in the receive position in a matter of seconds. Fun times!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Oh, Val! I can't believe that story! I just want to cry for you! Good luck--I would recommend a complete detailing about now! Yikes! The best part was how you were composing your blog as you were cleaning up! Funny!

Tracy said...

Wow. I think I'll take my grape juice/shards of glass disaster. And in the new about an official welcome to the family!

Caroline said...

wow - i deffinitely should have stopped! that was pretty bad:)

Hey Val - it's Caroline. Rob just told me about your blog and it's been SO fun catching up with your family as I've been reading. I can't believe how the kids have grown! What a gorgeous family you have. You must be so proud. It was also so fun to read about/see Owen. He was still so teeny tiny when I was there. And oh my goodness - he is adorable. I miss you all! So glad to see you are doing so well!

Anonymous said...

Oh Val! That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. I am so sorry - By the way what kind of new car did you guys end up with? David and Noah are down picking up our replacement Sequoia right now in California (not brand new but new to us). Hope everyone doesn't catch it - no pun intended.