Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Christmas Traditions

Now that our kids are older we decided that we could make the trip to downtown SLC to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square. We headed out on a Thursday evening hoping that it wouldn't be too crowded which would expedite keeping track of our kids and hopefully bring them all home. The weather was dry with a slight chill to remind us it was winter. Perfect conditions to bundle up and experience the sights of Christmas. 

We started out with dinner at our favorite German Deli called Seigfrieds. We had spaetzle and bratworst (reminiscent of Rob's mission to Switzerland) and picked out our favorite Swiss chocolates for a treat. As we left the restaurant to walk the short 2 blocks to temple square Liam says, "I want to see a Hobo!" Rob cautioned him by explaining that homeless people were sometimes dangerous because of drugs or alcohol and were best left alone. Liam thought about it for a minute and said, "Will you be with me dad?" After Rob affirmed that he would Liam then exclaimed with more enthusiasm than before "Then I want to see a hobo!" Oh, the innocence of youth!

We stopped in the Tabernacle to warm up for a minute and enjoy the beauty of the building. 

Girl Power!

Not sure what the kids were doing...maybe looking for the new Christmas star?

All in all we really enjoyed seeing the lights, the Nativity and the Christus at Temple Square. The beauty seen and the Spirit felt help us to remember why we celebrate Christmas. And yes, we did bring all of our kids home with us. :)


Traci said...

Great pictures! I love the one of you and Olivia! Way to go Mom, and Thursday night, what a great idea!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Love the "I want to see a bum" story! Kids!!! Your pictures turned out great--it seems like we can never make them look that good, but maybe we've always been too dang cold!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I love all of the Christmas traditions - and doing stuff without a diaper bag makes it even easier to be able to do all of them.