Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hawaii Fun

 from beautiful Hawaii! 

We left this....

for this!!!!

We've had an awesome time here in the land of Paradise. 
Some of the highlights include....

Water sliding at Hawaiian Waters

Swimming in our own "private" lagoon complete with sea life :)
interesting sand sculptures including "boy with sand boobies"

Molten Lava Cake at Chili's...
Liam's remark was "this is the BEST day of my life! 
while shoveling in chocolate cake 
Beautiful Hawaiian girls
Having yummy chicken at Maui Mike's
and of!
We even had an adventure with an island-wide power-outage caused by lightening...when does that ever happen?
Unfortunately all of our snorkeling gear was stolen out of the garage since we were stupid enough to leave it out. :( 
But after a good nights rest, the sun came up the next day and another day of glorious sun and fantastic weather was upon us....and we are happy to be here in Paradise :)


Enjoying the Journey said...

Wonderful time to be in Hawaii! It looks like a lot of fun! I love how you are in paradise and the highlight is the molten chocolate cake at Chilis! Kids are great!

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun - what Island are you guys on? Hope you have a great time.

Matt and Amber said...

Hey! It looks like you guys are having SO much fun! We miss you around here. But we're buried in snow so I don't blame you :) Love you guys! and have a safe flight back!

Tracy said...

How FUN!! Pretty sure Rob's got his work cut out getting you back home to the cold...

Heather said...

Thanks so much for sharing your house with us! We are honored that Dwayne's pic made it into your blog. Hope you found all well when you returned home. We are counting the days till we get our time in the sun. Love you guys!!