Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a Nut!!!

So, you know how I explained in an earlier post that I don't read directions and it often gets me in trouble? Well, here is a perfect example....

A few days ago I received a message in my FB inbox from a *Gary Larsen asking if I was related to Earl and Dave Hansen of Ontario Canada and if I wasn't sorry to bug me. Well, when I opened the message and saw Gary Larsen I assumed that it was a Gary Peterson that works with Rob and thought that the message was kind of odd since we're pretty good friends. (Rob also works with a Jay Larsen and somehow I put the two names together to come up with Gary Larsen.) 

 So, I thought I'd try to be funny (second part that always gets me in trouble is when I try to be funny!) and responded with "Nope, but we are all related in the eternal sense. Have a great day my brother! ha ha ha" and sent the message. 
No sooner than I sent the message did I realize that the person I knew was Gary Peterson not Gary Larsen and I started laughing out loud! It gets even better...

When I went to investigate who this Gary Larsen was and if I did know him I looked under his profile on FB and saw listed as religion: agnostic and under political views: very liberal!

What more can I say?

*names have been changed because it seems like a good idea :)

1 comment:

Enjoying the Journey said...

It sounds to me like you took an opportunity to share a little bit of gospel truth! Funny story...I do stuff like that so often that I don't even think it's wierd anymore!