Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It had to happen....

So, look at this cute, angelic face. You would never suspect that this sweet little boy would be up to something would you? This cute little face is actually the face of a very inquisitive, very smart and very resourceful little boy. So, what happens when this cute, smart, inquisitive boy gets an idea in his head such as, "I wonder what it would feel like to cut my own hair?"

The results....a very large, not very easy to hide bald spot in the middle of his part!

When I asked him what happened, he replied with a sheepish grin, 
"the haircutter person made a mistake."
I guess so!
Love ya Liam!


Laura said...

OMG! I'm laughing so hard. That's quite the hole!

Traci said...

OK, when I was looking at Liam's pictures, Rock asked who he was, so I told him who he is and what he did (with a definite "he's in trouble" tone in my voice). Rock looked for a second and said, "well, he still looks really cool!" Leave it to the 4 year olds to stick together!