Monday, October 20, 2008

First snow of the season

A couple of Sundays ago we woke up to a winter-wonderland. The kids absolutely love the snow...especially the first snowfall of the year. After a big breakfast they all bundled up and headed out to enjoy the magic of the first snow. 

Left to right: Kelly (cousin), Liam, Liv, Gavin, Alex, and Sophie

Could this little snow-boy be any cuter?


Katlin Fowles said...

What?! Snow?! Oh goodness I hope that doesn't make it's way up here... I am not looking forward to walking to school in snow... brrr... Dang those are some cute kids!! I miss them like crazy!!

Traci said...

Wow, what a difference a few miles makes. We didn't have any down here! Those bundled up kids are the cutest!

Matt and Amber said...

Oh my cute! I could just squish them all!

Enjoying the Journey said...

Quite the contrast between those pics and your previous blog, huh! We were coming home from St George and caught the slightest hint on that, but man! It's hard to believe it's that time already! Your kids look like they need a big snuggle all bundled up like that! Or at least some hot chocolate.

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness! How did you guys get snow before us? It looks beautiful though.